Couple's Grungy Photoshoot In The Desert
The desert carries with it the idea of things being harsh and rundown. There’s beauty in the rundown, in the unforgiving. When Vic and Aaron reached out to me, this was the look I wanted to create for them. A photoshoot in the desert doesn’t have to be way out in nowhere though. For Vic and Aaron’s shoot, we chose an area on the fringes of civilization, an area the desert had made its own.
A Hard-Living Kind Of Look
Vic and Aaron were down for my plan. We got them dressed up to look like people used to hard living out there in the desert. We matched that style with a building that looked like it had grown up out of that same desert. Metal walls, rundown wooden porch, and a tan paint job.
It was perfect.
To develop their photoshoot in the desert further, I looked for what made sense. A fence? Yes. An old computer chair? Yes. A six-pack? Yes. Shaving cream and toothpaste? Yes.
All the elements were there. We just had to put them together.
No Waste In This Wasteland
Ever seen someone milling around the front of their house? They’re not doing much, just being. Vic and Aaron’s photoshoot in the desert took on this part of life. This lazy but well-earned part of just being. Just hanging out and enjoying time together.
There was a lot of sitting and laying in this photoshoot in the desert. Sometimes that was on the porch, sometimes that was on the computer chair, and sometimes that was on each other. All of it sent the message of a couple relaxing.
Several times we took that computer chair off the porch and onto the desert ground itself. It spoke to the futility of civilization out there. How the desert was winning. How people were too stubborn to quit. How both sides had found a way to co-exist.
Inside Life
For Vic and Aaron’s photoshoot in the desert, we took some interior shots as well. We developed some photos where Aaron was shaving her legs in the sink while Vic was brushing his teeth. It created a duality of tasks and colors with a window of bright desert light to separate and unite them.
I also loved the look of Aaron’s ripped fishnet stockings and how they mirrored the rundown exterior of the building. Everything falls apart in the desert, and everything runs in parallel.
An End To The Photoshoot In The Desert
Even Vic and Aaron’s photoshoot in the desert had to end sometime. I’m not disappointed though, and neither are they.
Now’s the time I ask if you’d like to not be disappointed too. That’s what I can offer you. No disappointment. You’ll be tested, pushed, and uncomfortable, but you won’t be disappointed with what comes out the other end. Like a birth, ha.
I’m ready to help you with yours. Let me know.